Imaginer les paroles de René Cassin depuis sa tombe...
Caroline Cassin from the René Cassin family a imaginé ce que pourrait dire René Cassin aujourd’hui. « Depuis l’âge de 6 ans, j’ai les...
Rene Cassin from the grave...
Caroline Cassin from the Rene Cassin family imagined what René Cassin might say Today. "Since the age of 6, I have had my eyes focused on...
Hamas :le silence des ONG, trahison de l’universel 9 octobre 2023. François Zimeray.
René Cassin Legacy partage l'article de Francois Zimerai.
Rene Cassin Legacy Initiatives on Human Rights
Rene Cassin Legacy Initiatives: R C Human Rights Learning Project to support business communities in different countries improve...
Commemorate by candlelight on 10 December.
Commemorate by candlelight on 10 December Support Human Rights 75 by organizing concerts by candlelight in your hometown, on the 10th of...
Celebrate 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You can do your part in recognizing the relevancy and importance of...
Rene Cassin Human Rights Index. Why?
Rene Cassin Human Rights Index and Project 2023-2030 helps to implement Human Rights and evaluate Human Rights Impact in business...
Get inspired. Historic photos. Professor Rene Cassin.
Photo credit U N The UDHR enshrines the rights of all human beings. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural...